This category includes all frequently asked questions for EngageNY.
Questions about EngageNY Curriculum
Are there fees associated with using EngageNY or the Common Core Learning Standard curriculum?
Do we have to teach the EngageNY or Common Core curriculum modules in order?
How can I access EngageNY on my mobile device?
How can I email links to EngageNY resources and pages to my colleagues?
How can I find all the curriculum materials for a module?
How can I find curriculum materials associated to a specific Common Core Learning Standard (CCLS)?
How can I provide feedback on the EngageNY curriculum modules?
How can I share EngageNY resources via Facebook or Twitter?
How can I stay up-to-date on new curriculum or curriculum changes?
How do I determine if my use of the curricular materials would be considered a commercial use and therefore not allowed?
How do we know if a module has been changed or updated?
Is EngageNY offered in different languages (other than English)?
Is my use of the curricular materials considered a commercial use?
Where can I find Common Core curriculum materials for Social Studies?
Where can I find modules translated into foreign languages?
Where can I locate the list of ELA texts on EngageNY?
Are there fees associated with using EngageNY or the Common Core Learning Standard curriculum?
Assessments, Answer Keys, and Sample Questions
When will the Grades 3-8 ELA and mathematics Common Core state assessment scores be released?
Where are answer keys located?
Where can I find grades 3-8 ELA and mathematics assessment materials, such as annotated questions and guidance?
Where can I find information about the new Common Core Regents exams?
Where can I find past Regents exams?
Where can we order student workbooks and teacher materials for the New York State Common Core curriculum on EngageNY?
When will the Grades 3-8 ELA and mathematics Common Core state assessment scores be released?
Printing EngageNY Curriculum
Can BOCES provide printing services to schools?
Is there an easy way to print all the lessons in the module, such as for the full module?
I want to print a module, but I don’t want to do this if there is going to be a change soon.
How can I get packages of printed modules and lessons for EngageNY Curriculum content?
Can BOCES provide printing services to schools?
Citing EngageNY Curriculum & Terms of Use